Saturday, November 15, 2008

Transformer in Disguise

Last night was killer! There was a jammin party at a house in kailua. Driving home with my best friend buen, I decided to take some nice pictures of transformers since I have learned about them in physics class. I have to say that these things are everywhere! Theres no hiding from them. So anyways, I took some not bad pictures of these transformers in order to do this journal realizing that, yes, physics is all around us.
Basically, a transformer tranfers current from the primary to the secondary which is inside that metal, cylinder looking box. They transer electric energy across empty space which is crazy. When Mr. Kohara did a demonstration of what they do in class, I was shocked. Thats the most unbelievable thing I've ever seen. This transformer is transfering a current throughout the electrical wires. It is probably stepping down the voltage to most likely 120 volts so that 7-11 can use the power. Power in a transformer always remains the same. An alternating voltage is required for a transformer to work so there will be a change in magnetic field within the primary and secondary. The second coil needs to sense a change in magnetic field in order for a current to be induced and therefore sent out. It's Cool!

1 comment:

MAAZ said...

There is a site that has examples of aura camera systems at that prints aura photos. Has anyone experienced this system?