Saturday, November 22, 2008

Let There be Light

Well, Saturday, a rainy, stormy, horrible day. No sun out, bad day for surfing or any outdoor activities. I was stuck at home with nothing to do other than just watching college football and playing PS2. I did however find time to do this journal and i couldn't figure out what to do it on. I walked into my room and opened up the curtain so that light can come into my room. I suddenly realized that physics was involved in this action. The curtain is an opaque material meaning that it absorbs light without re-emitting it. Vibrations given by light to their atoms and molecules are turned into random kinetic energy--into internal energy. The curtain actually becomes warmer; it would become hott if the sun was actually out and shining brightly. The light can pass through the glass window because the window is transparent. When light is transmitted through matter, some fo teh electrons in the matter are forced into virbation. The glass allows light to pass through in straight lines elluminating my room. However, ultraviolet and infrared waves can't pass through the glass. Electrons in the atoms of glass have a naturla vibration frequency in the ultraviolet range. Therefore when ultraviolet waves shine on glass, resonance occurs and thr vibration of electrons builds up to large amplitudes. Now I have to go to the UH football game vs. Idaho! BYE


Pablo Warner said...

Oh now I know why we have curtains. I thought they were just for decoration.

jrbunda said...

I have to agree with Pablo. I have these curtains in my room and did not know why I have them. Thanks to you, now i know why! So thank you!